

The following documentation gives you a terse, but reasonably complete description of the types of geometry that you can instantiate within givr.

Note: We use some Template Metaprogramming techniques to provide this API. These techniques are used so that your code will not compile when the you have provided incomplete data or incorrect types. It also allows you to provide the parameters to each function call in whatever order you choose and enforces a style that promotes readability. The name of the struct which contains the geometry has a different name from the function which you use to instantiate it. As such we make liberal use of the keyword auto to simplify the examples.

If you are creating a simple demo in a single file and using global variables to hold all of your data/styles/geometry then you can use the example code below in the same format.

If you intend to organize your code into classes and need to know the exact types that are used in order to declare member variables or function parameters that take these as types, then read the Actual Types section at the end.

Types of Geometry

givr provides the following types of geometry:


The Triangle geometry is used to create a single triangle.


It has three parameters, one for each point of the triangle:

  • Point1(float, float, float): The position of vertex 1

    • Required

  • Point2(float, float, float): The position of vertex 2

    • Required

  • Point3(float, float, float): The position of vertex3

    • Required


The triangle geometry provides the following data to the style:

  • vertices

  • normal

    • NOTE: The normal is calculated as if the winding order is clockwise.


auto triangle = Triangle(
    Point1(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
    Point2(-1.f, -1.f, 0.f),
    Point3(1.f, -1.f, 0.f)


The line geometry is for generating a single line segment.


It has two parameters, one for each point of the triangle:

  • Point1(float, float, float): The position of vertex 1

    • Required

  • Point2(float, float, float): The position of vertex 2

    • Required


The line geometry provides this data to the style:
  • vertices


auto line = Line(
    Point1(-15.0, -15.0, 0.0),
    Point2(15.0, 15.0, 0.0)


A MultiLine is simply a series of line segments which may or may not be connected. It is analogous to the GL_LINES rendering type.


It takes an arbitrary number of lines as its parameters.

You can also add line segments using the following API:

auto l = MultiLine();
l.push_back(Line(Point1(-20.f, -20.f, 0.f), Point2(-20.f, -10.f, 0.f))));


The MultiLine geometry provides this data to the style:
  • vertices


auto multiLine = MultiLine(
    Line(Point1(-20.f, -20.f, 0.f), Point2(-20.f, -10.f, 0.f)),
    Line(Point1(-10.f, -10.f, 0.f), Point2(-10.f, 0.f, 0.f)),
    Line(Point1(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), Point2(0.f, 10.f, 0.f)),
    Line(Point1(10.f, 10.f, 0.f), Point2(10.f, 20.f, 0.f))


A polyline is composed of a series of points where each line segment connects the current point with the previous point. It is valid for any number of points greater than 1.


It is a templated class, which takes givr::PrimitiveType as the template parameter. This template parameter may be set to one of two values:

  • givr::PrimitiveType::LINE_LOOP

  • givr::PrimitiveType::LINE_STRIP

If you use PrimitiveType::LINE_LOOP, the final point will be connected by a line segment with the first point. If you use PrimitiveType::LINE_STRIP then it will not be. This parameter is a template parameter so that we can do compile time checking to ensure it is set to the right value.

The class takes a list of points as parameters.


The PolyLine geometry provides this data to the style:
  • vertices


auto polyline = PolyLine<PrimitiveType::LINE_LOOP>(
    Point(-10.f, -10.f, 0.f),
    Point(10.f, -10.f, 0.f),
    Point(10.f, 10.f, 0.f),
    Point(-10.f, 10.f, 0.f),
    Point(-10.f, -10.f, 0.)


The sphere geometry is used to generate a set of triangles which approximate a sphere. By default the sphere is a unit sphere, centred around the origin. You can change where its Centroid and its Radius by providing them when you construct it, or you can use a model matrix to place it in the correct position and scale it appropriately.


It has four parameters:

  • Centroid(float, float, float): The point around which the sphere is centred.

    • Default: Centroid(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)

  • Radius(float): The radius of the sphere.

    • Default: Radius(1.f)

  • AzimuthPoints(int): The number of azimuthal sample points to use.

    • Default: AzimuthPoints(20)

  • AltitudePoints(int): The number of altitude sample points to use.

    • Default: AltitudePoints(20)


The sphere produces:
  • vertices

  • normals

  • indices

  • uvs

Note: uv coordinates are not currently used by any styles.


Typically you will just use the sphere as is and scale it when you draw it:

auto instancedSpheres = createInstancedRenderable(Sphere(), phongStyle);

mat4f m = translate(mat4f{1.f}, vec3f{0., 5.0, 0.});
addInstance(instancedSpheres, m);
draw(instancedSpheres, view);

Alternatively, you can change its parameters directly when creating it:

auto spheres = createRenderable(
        Centroid(1.0f, -10.f, 0.f),

draw(spheres, view);


The Cylinder geometry allows you to place a cylinder that connects two points. It’s often used in place of GL_LINES as it is actually a 3D object, while GL_LINES are not.

Note: The current implementation is an open-faced cylinder.


It has four parameters:

  • Point1(float, float, float): the first end point of the cylinder centred.

    • Default: Point1(0.f, 0.5f, 0.f)

  • Point2(float, float, float): the first end point of the cylinder centred.

    • Default: Point1(0.f, -0.5f, 0.f)

  • Radius(float): The radius of the cylinder.

    • Default: Radius(1.f)

  • AzimuthPoints(int): The number of azimuthal sample points to use.

    • Default: AzimuthPoints(20)


It generates this data for the style to use:
  • vertices

  • normals

  • indices


auto cylinder = Cylinder(
    Point1(-15.0, 15.0, 0.f),
    Point2(-15.0, -15.0, 0.f)


The Mesh geometry allows you to load arbitrary meshes from .obj files and then render them.


It has a single parameter, which is the filename of the .obj. Note that it attempts to load the filename you give it directly, without modification. This means that it is your responsibility to ensure that the path will work when your executable is run. If you use relative paths, you will need to ensure that your application is always run in the same directory. If you use absolute paths then you will need to ensure there is a way to easily change that when you move the program between machines:

  • Filename(std::string): The filename to load

    • Required


The Mesh object will produce the following data for the style to use:
  • vertices

  • normals

  • indices

  • uvs


auto palmTree = Mesh(Filename("./models/Palm_Tree.obj"));

Triangle Soup

This is the first option for defining your own custom geometry. It’s slightly easier to use, but also slightly less efficient.

Triangle soup is an affectionate name for large set of triangles representing an object, but no implicit connectivity or topology. This geometry type is like the CustomGeometry (described below) in that it allows you to easily build new shapes surfaces or other items, but it provides a slightly easier to use interface to do so.

NOTE: This type of geometry produces normals for each triangle, and assigns that normal to each vertex of that triangle. In addition, each vertex of the triangle is explicitly represented in the vertices array regardless of whether other triangles share the same vertex. The result of this is that they shading will not be smooth across the edges of triangles. If you want custom geometry with smooth shading, you will need to use givr::CustomGeometry (see below).


It takes a list of triangles as its parameters.

You can also add triangles using the following API:

auto ts = TriangleSoup();
        Point1(-20.f, -20.f, 0.f),
        Point2(-10.f, -10.f, 0.f),
        Point3(-20.f, 0.f, 0.f)


The triangle geometry these pieces of data which are made available to the style:
  • vertices

  • normals


auto ts = TriangleSoup(
        Point1(-20.f, -20.f, 0.f),
        Point2(-10.f, -10.f, 0.f),
        Point3(-20.f, 0.f, 0.f)
        Point1(-40.f, -40.f, 0.f),
        Point2(-20.f, -20.f, 0.f),
        Point3(-40.f, -10.f, 0.f)

Or more likely you will loop over the elements in your animation/simulation and turn them into a series of triangles:

auto ts = triangleSoup();
// Loop over all objects in your simulation/animation
for(int i = 0; i < my_simulation.objects.size(); ++i) {
   // Get a reference to the object
   object const &o = my_simulation.objects[i];

   // Turn that object into a Triangle (or triangles!)
   TriangleSoup t{o.get_point1(), o.get_point2(), o.get_point3()};

   // Add that triangle to the triangle soup

As a specific example, here is how I generated the triangles for the sides of my jelly cube for the mass springs assignment. I stored my particle masses in a 1D vector, and then I painstakingly did all of the index math to generate triangles. It wasn’t fun, I’m sure there are better ways:

auto jellyGeometry = TriangleSoup();

void updateJellyGeometry() {
    // This gets called for every frame, so it's not hyper efficient, but
    // reasonable for 60ish fps

    auto pos = [&](std::size_t i, std::size_t j, std::size_t k) {
        return jelly.particles[(i*(resolution*resolution)) + (j*resolution) + k].position;
    auto addTriangle = [&](vec3f const &p1, vec3f const &p2, vec3f const &p3) {
        jellyGeometry.push_back(givr::Triangle{p1, p2, p3});

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < resolution; ++i) {
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < resolution; ++j) {
            for (std::size_t k = 0; k < resolution; ++k) {
                if (i == 0  && j!=0 && k!=0) {
                    addTriangle(pos(i, j-1, k-1), pos(i, j, k), pos(i, j, k-1));
                    addTriangle(pos(i, j-1, k-1), pos(i, j-1, k), pos(i, j, k));
                if (i +1 == resolution  && j +1 != resolution && k != 0) {
                    addTriangle(pos(i, j+1, k-1), pos(i, j, k), pos(i, j, k-1));
                    addTriangle(pos(i, j+1, k-1), pos(i, j+1, k), pos(i, j, k));
                if (j == 0  && i!=0 && k!=0) {
                    addTriangle(pos(i-1, j, k-1), pos(i, j, k), pos(i, j, k-1));
                    addTriangle(pos(i-1, j, k-1), pos(i-1, j, k), pos(i, j, k));
                if (j +1 == resolution  && i +1 != resolution && k != 0) {
                    addTriangle(pos(i+1, j, k-1), pos(i, j, k), pos(i, j, k-1));
                    addTriangle(pos(i+1, j, k-1), pos(i+1, j, k), pos(i, j, k));
                if (k == 0  && i!=0 && j!=0) {
                    addTriangle(pos(i-1, j-1, k), pos(i, j, k), pos(i, j-1, k));
                    addTriangle(pos(i-1, j-1, k), pos(i-1, j, k), pos(i, j, k));
                if (k +1 == resolution  && i +1 != resolution && j != 0) {
                    addTriangle(pos(i+1, j-1, k), pos(i, j, k), pos(i, j-1, k));
                    addTriangle(pos(i+1, j-1, k), pos(i+1, j, k), pos(i, j, k));

Custom Geometry

This type of geometry is here so that you can specify your own geometry. It is quite flexible, with the caveat that you are required to understand how geometry is typically provided to the GPU and manage all of the indices, vertices, normals colours or uv coordinates yourself. It does very little compile time or run time checking. As a result, you are responsible for all aspects of this particular geometry.

NOTE: The renderers that we use assume a few things about the setup of this data.

  • vertices are 3 floats.

  • normals are 3 floats.

  • uvs are 2 floats

  • colours are 3 floats.

  • indices are 32 bit unsigned integers.

in order to enforce this convention, the parameters for custom geometry are specified as vec3fs or vec2fs or single std::uint32_t for indices.

Also note, that the vertices, normals, uvs, and colours vector must either contain 0 elements or the same number of elements or you risk a segfault from within the graphics driver.

Also note, that if you provide indices, it will be rendered as indexed geometry. If you do not provide indices it will not be rendered as indexed geometry.

NOTE: None of the current styles use the uv coordinates.


The CustomGeometry is a templated class, which takes givr::PrimitiveType as the template parameter. This template parameter may be set to any of the givr::PrimitiveType values:

enum class PrimitiveType {

The CustomGeometry class provides lists of vec3f for vertices, normals and colours, a list of vec2f

template <PrimitiveType PrimitiveT>
struct CustomGeometry {
    std::vector<vec3f> vertices;
    std::vector<vec3f> normals;
    std::vector<std::uint32_t> indices;
    std::vector<vec3f> colours;
    std::vector<vec2f> uvs;


It provides the data you provide to the style.


No examples for this one. The primary reason is that I haven’t written a good example for this, but I’ll also claim that if you’re considering using this type of geometry, then you should be willing to read an existing tutorial on how to setup these sorts of buffers for rendering. The exact format depends on whether it’s indexed, which primitive type you are using etc.

Actual Types

As mentioned in the introduction, we use the C++ auto keyword liberally in the example code above. This hides the actual types that are used throughout. This section explains the types a bit more concretely.

Named Parameters

The various parameters that are passed into the geometry are a sub class of the givr::utility::Type class which is templated. These classes wrap some other type, like a glm::vec3 or a float. Each of the sub classes are named after the parameter they represent. Each of the instantiation functions for the Geometry operate on these named types. It is the usage of these named parameters which allows us to perform various compile time checking to ensure your code is more likely to run correctly. It also allows us to take the parameters for a given geometry out of order. In other words, the following two examples are equivalent:

auto line = Line(
    Point1(-15.0, -15.0, 0.0),
    Point2(15.0, 15.0, 0.0)


auto line = Line(
    Point2(15.0, 15.0, 0.0),
    Point1(-15.0, -15.0, 0.0)

Instantiation of Geometry

Each of the geometry types has an instantiation function. These functions are what we use in the above example code. Each function takes in a set of named parameters and then ensures the following:

  1. All required parameters are specified.

  2. No duplicate parameters are specified.

  3. Only parameters that are used are specified.

  4. The types of the parameters are valid.

Types of the Geometry

The usage of the the instantiation functions means that the type they return does not have the same name as the function itself. These are the type of each of the geometries used in the examples:

SphereGeometry sphere = Sphere();
TriangleGeometry triangle = Triangle(...);
QuadGeometry quad = Quad(...);
CylinderGeometry cylinder = Cylinder(...);

LineGeometry = Line(...);
MultiLineGeometry multiLine = MultiLine(...);
PolyLineGeometry<PrimitiveType::LINE_LOOP> polyline
  = PolyLine<PrimitiveType::LINE_LOOP>(...);

MeshGeometry palmTree = Mesh(...);
TriangleSoupGeometry jellyGeometry;
CustomGeometry<PrimitiveType::TRIANGLES> custom;